Our Kitchen

The benefits of a healthy school lunches.

We believe healthy nutrition and academic performance are interwoven,promoting healthy relationships with food and with each other means for building a respectful, collaborative and reflective community. It is important that children have the option to be part of the healthy food choices. Nowadays, parents have less and less time to prepare home-cooked meals. Most children consume one-third of their daily calories at their midday meal. That is why our daycare offers a healthy snacks and lunches program following by Canadian Food Guide. All of our programs provide a morning and afternoon snack with a hot lunch.

Royal Academy has our own on-site commercial kitchen and our chef will plan our daily meal by following Canadian food guide.

Our weekly menu will be posted on the parent board to assist family with their meal planning at home. Parents know their child the best, if you know your child might not like certain food in our weekly menu, please feel free to pack his or her own lunch.

Please be reminded we are a Nut-Free Centre.